It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day, Mateys!

Here’s the scuttlebutt, scallywags: Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day! Yarr!

Meet Pirate Limber-Jack.

Me latest video features a Limber-Jack dancin’ toy. It’s believed this charming toy originated in the old country of Ireland. Immigrants brought their Limber-Jacks with them to America.

My poor Limber-Jack was stark naked when I bought him.

Lynn Kelley, BBH McChiller

So, I dressed him up for Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Lynn Kelley, BBH McChiller, Talk Like a Pirate Day

It’s obvious in the video that I need a lot more practice hitting the board for my Limber-Jack to have better rhythm. I’m working on it!

For more pirate talk fun, check out my blog post from 2013.

If you’re interested in meeting Vlad, a 300-year-old pirate rat with some cool ditties, check out this interview from 2011. Vlad is kids’ favorite character in our Monster Moon adventure series, which is written under the pen name, BBH McChiller.

What are you doing on Talk Like a Pirate Day?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. What’s your favorite pirate term? Do you have a favorite pirate joke you’d like to share with us? I’d love to hear from you!


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7 Responses to It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day, Mateys!

  1. Patricia says:

    Good grief. Too much fun was had in the making of this video. I love how you dressed him up.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

  2. Pam says:

    You are so funny! The pirate seems like a family member…long lost cousin?

  3. Bad puns but funny!
    Do your kids ever tell you that you have more fun than they ever did?

  4. Pingback: Dancing Skeleton Limber Jack - Lynn Kelley, AuthorLynn Kelley, Author

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