Lynn Kelley, Arbonne Independent Consultant ID #14766957
(Email me at
Thanks to Arbonne, I began my journey to health and wellness almost four years ago. The results from the 30 Days to Healthy Living (aka Detox Bootcamp) inspired me to help other people, too.
This desire led me to become a Master Certified Health Coach. As it turned out, everything I learned about clean eating from Arbonne ties in with the nutrition lessons in the LEAN Start course I took through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. What an amazing journey!
I first fell in love with Arbonne’s anti-aging skincare line (read about my first experience below). About a month after I became an independent consultant, I discovered the excellent nutrition supplements. Wow, what a life changer!
The pea protein shakes have made an astonishing difference in my health. As a sugar-holic, I never thought I’d ever get my cravings under control, but Arbonne’s protein shake mix has truly made that possible.
Here I am in October 2014, ready to leave for my 40th high school reunion. Thank you, Arbonne Essentials Protein Shake Mix, for helping me lose that extra weight!
From May 2014 to September 2014, I lost 20 pounds, plus five inches off my waist.
In May I started drinking two protein shakes/smoothies a day, and I lost seven pounds in a month just from drinking the shakes and avoiding sugar.
Then I did the Detox Bootcamp in June and learned how to eat clean and eliminate foods that might be sabotaging my health. Each day I drank two protein shakes and ate one full meal, plus healthy snacks. During that period, I lost another five pounds, then eight more after that.
One of the best things I took away from the Detox Bootcamp is that we’re exposed to toxins no matter where we live (from what we eat, what we breathe in, and what we put on our skin). “When the body has more toxins coming in than the liver can filter properly, the body goes into protective mode by pulling toxins away from our vital organs and storing the toxins in fat cells. Fat cells shrink when the toxins are eliminated.”
I think that’s fascinating, and it kind of explains why I lost those inches from my waist.
Arbonne’s other supplement products are awesome, too. For instance, the Fiber Boost, which I add to my shakes. The fiber helps me stay full longer, and I learned that fiber helps to absorb toxins.
Another winning supplement is the Digestion Plus, which has prebiotics, probiotics, and enzymes. I add one packet to my morning shakes.
I can’t say enough about the various nutrition supplements I’ve tried. I haven’t felt this healthy since I can’t remember when.
My journey as an Arbonne Independent Consultant is inspiring, uplifting, and packed with abundant hope. Opportunity came knocking at my door, and although sales had never been my strong point, I’m thankful I was open minded and answered that knock. It’s opened many doors for me.
As mentioned above, I first fell in love with the skincare line.
It all started when our oldest daughter became an Arbonne independent consultant. Hubby and I thought she was nuts. Married, with a two-year-old, a ten-month-old, and working full-time, her plate was already full, but her enthusiasm grew as her husband got onboard and supported her in her new business.
My life changed at her launch party when I tried the RE9 Advanced facial products and a few other Arbonne products. After using the RE9 Advanced Smoothing Facial Cleanser, we used the FC5 Exfoliating New Cell Scrub. FC stands for fresh cell, and the number 5 is for five natural ingredients: kiwis, strawberries, carrots, mangos, and pumpkins. Pretty cool ingredients.
After that we applied the RE9 Advanced Cellular Renewal Masque. The pineapple, papaya, and other ingredients tingled and worked their magic on my aging skin. After rinsing, my complexion felt soft and smooth.
Next came the antioxidant rich Regenerating Toner. It felt cool and refreshing. Then we applied the RE9 Corrective Eye Creme. So soothing. Ooh-la-la, what a treat!
For the next step, we could choose the Restorative Day Creme Broad Spectrum SPF 20 Sunscreen or the Extra Moisture Restorative Day Creme. I chose the Extra Moisture.
(Before bedtime, the Night Repair Creme is used. I love how it feels on my face.)
The pampering didn’t end there. Makeup Primer was our next treat. Wow! It was like applying liquid silk. A definite must have.
Now that the fine lines and pores were filled in, we applied another stellar product: CC Cream – 10 in 1 Complexion Control Cream. The CC Cream was the clencher. My skin glowed. I couldn’t believe the difference these products had made in my appearance after applying them once. Daughter did her job. I was sold on this skincare line and I felt so jazzed, I couldn’t stop smiling.
Throughout the party, while applying the various products, we listened to the presentation and learned lots of interesting skincare info, plus became acquainted with Arbonne International and the company’s promise: Pure, Safe, Beneficial.
The fact that Arbonne products are botanically based, gluten free, contain no animal products or byproducts, are vegan certified, plus so many other positive aspects appealed to me.
I was especially impressed that we only needed about a pea-sized amount of each product. Less than pea size for the eye cream.
Daughter’s Arbonne sponser, Area Manager Catie Flores, mentioned that her 3 oz. bottle of Smoothing Facial Cleanser lasted her eight months!
By the end of the presentation, I had no doubt about signing up as a Preferred Client, but once all the information sank in, I realized how becoming an Arbonne Independent Consultant offered countless possibilities not only for me, but also for my daughter.
I’m thankful to Arbonne for changing my life in so many wonderful ways.
Would you like to know more? I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. Email me at
Cheers to healthy living and hearts full of hope!
Lynn Kelley
Arbonne Independent Consultant ID #14766957
Visit my Certified Health and Wellness Coach Page