When my nephew Joker was in kindergarten, his class had a Pajama/Pancake party on the last day of school. The family was leaving for summer vacation that day, but Joker had been so excited about the party the whole month prior to it that my sister Cindy didn’t want to deprive him of the fun he’d been looking forward to. She decided they’d get a late start on their trip.
That morning, Joker bounded into the kitchen in his favorite cartoon jamies. “Got your shoes and socks on? Cindy asked.
“Yep,” Joker answered.
“Did you brush your teeth?”
“Yes,” he replied, flashing a smile.
“Got your underwear on?” she asked.
“NO! You don’t wear underwear with pajamas.”
“Well, you do if you’re wearing them to school.”
“I’m not going if I have to wear underwear,” Joker insisted, folding his arms as he took a stance. After awhile, he asked, “Do you think the other kids are wearing underwear?”
“I’m sure they will be,” Cindy said. “Do you want me to go around and check each kid?”
“Yes,” he answered, thinking his mother was serious.
Cindy told him to march back in his room and get his underwear on.
“No way,” Joker said. “Mrs. Keimlick said we’re not to wear underwear.”
Cindy could hardly contain her laughter. She knew the teacher would get a kick out of that. “Do you want me to call the other kids’ parents to see if they’re sending their children to school with underwear?”
“Yeah,” he said.
Cindy was going to pretend to call, but then decided to call one mother that was a good friend, just to give her a good chuckle.
“Wendy, this is Cindy. Is Grant wearing underwear under his pajamas today?”
“We’re arguing about that right now,” Wendy said.
Cindy couldn’t believe it. As it turned out, Grant did wear his underwear to school that day, but Joker chose to miss out on a great party rather than wear underwear under his pajamas. So, the family got an early start on their vacation!
Do you have a parenting or grandparenting memory
or another story you’d like to share?
If you’re not a parent, memories from your own childhood count, too!
Warning: I might feature your story in a future post.
(Names can be changed to protect the guilty!)
I’d like to thank all those who have shared their stories.
These posts wouldn’t be the same without your input.
If you don’t want to leave a comment but would rather contact me by email,
here’s my address: lynkelwoohoo at yahoo dot com.
(The name Joker is a nickname.)
(A version of this story originally appeared in the Highland Community News in June 1998.)
LOL! For lack of underwear a party was lost… so sad. 😀
Yikes! Talk about stubborn. But you can't get too bummed about missing a party when you're heading off on vacation.
LOL that is funny! I can't believe he stood his ground and sacrificed the party!
Love that stubborn streak–LOL. Thanks for the laugh Lynn!
LOL!!! Awwwww it was really really really important for Joker to NOT wear underwear! LOL! take carex
LOL! Maybe that was just his way of getting out of going to a party?! I would never have gotten away with that as a kid, but I like that he was able to make his choice 🙂
Lovely family and their baby!
HA! It's funny what kind of ideas kids get into their heads.
That is hilarious! Just another day in the life of a mom 🙂
Little Grant seems like a resourceful guy! What a creative way to get a jumpstart on vacation. 😉
I totally would've let him go sans underwear. If nothing else, his friends would've given him a hard time and that's way better than mom nagging him.Funny story about pajamas… the one and only time my daughter dragged her heels getting ready for school I told her, we're leaving in five minutes, if you aren't dressed, you're going in what you're wearing. Yep, she went to school that day in her jammies. Not like cute pants or shorts jammies, one of those long flowy princess gowns. It was awesome!
Lynn, that story is precious! I can just imagine the discussion they had. No underwear under the P.J.'s. That's funny. And his refusal to go to school that day with them on. Now that would've been something that my youngest son Grant would've pulled on me. He was a stubborn one, that boy. Oh the memories! LOL! :)P.S. May I just say how happy I am to be able to leave a comment here Lynn! Hallelujah!
Hilarious! Can't imagine not wearing underwear under my pjs, thoughNutschellwww.thewritingnut.com
This is so cute. It reminds me of Baverly Cleary's books.