It’s graduation time in California. My writer friend, Alanna Heck, wrote a poem inspired by the song Impossible Dream by Joe Darion.
Alanna teaches special ed and learning disabled students in grades 8 through 12. For them, graduation from high school is extra sweet, considering they had to work much harder than most and overcame many challenges to reach this stellar milestone.
To Dream
by Alanna Heck
A dream unreachable held tightly in your grasp,
A hard-won fight against a once unbeatable foe,
A climb up a mountain once thought impassable,
Arriving at a place you weren’t sure you could go.
With weary arms you never gave up your quest,
Even during the times the journey seemed too far;
Holding on to a dream that you’d beat the odds,
Daring to imagine your hands could catch a star.
And for all who are true to this glorious quest,
Possibilities abound like spring in full bloom,
And the world transforms into a better place,
A beautiful tapestry you weave on your loom.
Here’s a YouTube video of Elvis Presley singing Impossible Dream
Have you reached any goals by overcoming great odds or been inspired by someone who did? How did you feel?
Hi Lynn, hi Alanna!! To Dream is such a fabulous, positive and inspiring poem! Thank you!!! Reach for the stars, people, they're there for the taking! Take carex
What a fantastic poem! I remember my high school graduation like it was yesterday (which, since it was in 1976, clearly wasn't).I realized that I've pretty much done everything I've ever wanted to do and I'm pretty much where I expected to be.Well, I never expected to live in Pennsylvania, but I'm pretty happy.Congratulations to all the graduates. May you be as happy (although not as homely) as I!
I love this poem! I can see these graduates reflecting on the heartfelt words of this lovely poem, written by their teacher especially for them, and feeling the strength, courange, and confidence they will need as they go out into the world as young adult… all because someone believed in them!Great poem, Alanna! And very nice post Lynn! 🙂
Kinda funny you should ask that. I recently overcame physical odds. I faced a 5th loss this season in tennis and I was reminded by my son that I hadn't been using "the secret" and "believing" I could win. I would get down and panic. (I also had some great encouragement from family and friends like you!) After losing the first set 4-6 I was down 1-4 in the second and I remembered it is never to late to believe that I could still win and I did!So many obstacles in life can be overcome by "believing and visualizing!" I think it makes you more aggressive in accomplishing your goals. It can be easier to give up… Great post and poem. Congrats Grads!
Such an inspirational poem. Whenever I hear or see someone fulfilling a dream, especially after a difficult road I am so moved. First moved to tears and then action. I find it very motivating 🙂
Yes, I talk about it a great deal in my blog (among various other things), but I managed to survive and love and live through a near fatal hemorrhagic mid-brain stroke a little over 2 years ago. I don't recommend it as a way to find yourself and really start to understand life, but it has worked with me.Scott
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Legend of Monster Island
Action Adventure for kids - Book 3 in the Monster Moon Mystery series by BBH McChiller (Kathryn Sant and Lynn Kelley) Available in paperback and eBook.
Writer of fiction for children and slice-of-life pieces for grownups, Master Certified Health Coach, mother of four, grammy to seven grand darlings. Goofball. Subject to laughing jags. Co-author of Monster Moon Mystery series under pen name BBH McChiller. Altered art scrapbooker, Toastmaster, YouTuber, and recovering court reporter.
Congratulations to all those kids!
Hi Lynn, hi Alanna!! To Dream is such a fabulous, positive and inspiring poem! Thank you!!! Reach for the stars, people, they're there for the taking! Take carex
What a fantastic poem! I remember my high school graduation like it was yesterday (which, since it was in 1976, clearly wasn't).I realized that I've pretty much done everything I've ever wanted to do and I'm pretty much where I expected to be.Well, I never expected to live in Pennsylvania, but I'm pretty happy.Congratulations to all the graduates. May you be as happy (although not as homely) as I!
I love this poem! I can see these graduates reflecting on the heartfelt words of this lovely poem, written by their teacher especially for them, and feeling the strength, courange, and confidence they will need as they go out into the world as young adult… all because someone believed in them!Great poem, Alanna! And very nice post Lynn! 🙂
Kinda funny you should ask that. I recently overcame physical odds. I faced a 5th loss this season in tennis and I was reminded by my son that I hadn't been using "the secret" and "believing" I could win. I would get down and panic. (I also had some great encouragement from family and friends like you!) After losing the first set 4-6 I was down 1-4 in the second and I remembered it is never to late to believe that I could still win and I did!So many obstacles in life can be overcome by "believing and visualizing!" I think it makes you more aggressive in accomplishing your goals. It can be easier to give up… Great post and poem. Congrats Grads!
Such an inspirational poem. Whenever I hear or see someone fulfilling a dream, especially after a difficult road I am so moved. First moved to tears and then action. I find it very motivating 🙂
Loved the poem and your post! Very lovely!Had a long comment written and accidentally deleted it. ooopssss!
Yes, I talk about it a great deal in my blog (among various other things), but I managed to survive and love and live through a near fatal hemorrhagic mid-brain stroke a little over 2 years ago. I don't recommend it as a way to find yourself and really start to understand life, but it has worked with me.Scott
A wonderful poem. So inspiring!Very lovely post! Thanks.