Boys and Bugs – Parenting Plights & Delights

Warning:  If you have a weak stomach, read no further!
One day when my nephew JW was three years old, he told my sister-in-law Debbie he came up with an invention. “First, you look for a snail. The bigger, the better. Lick them until your spit makes them really foamy. Then you stick ’em to the wall.” He called his invention, “Lick’n’Sticks.”

JW at age two

Even at age two JW proved to be a resourceful child. Debbie had JW help her turn the ground to get it ready to plant a garden. He grew more excited with each new worm he found and he put them in a coffee can. Soon he had quite a collection. 
When it was time for a break, Debbie fixed an ice tea for herself and a Kool-aid for JW. As they sat under a shady tree sipping their drinks, Debbie noticed that JW had left some worms laying on the sidewalk. 
“Look,” she said. “You left your worms in the sun. They’re drying up.”
“Are they hot?” he asked.
“The sun is just cooking them,” she said. Next thing she knew, JW plopped three worms into her ice tea. 
“Here, let’s give them a drink,” he said. “They won’t drink a lot, just a yiddle bit!”

“Little boys leave smudges on your heart.” 
                                         ~ Art Moms

Don’t you love precious moments like these that enrich our lives? Do you write them down so you can read them years later and chuckle all over again?

Sometimes we’re too busy to stop and jot it down, thinking we’ll remember what happened with no problem. Do you know how many memories I’ve lost because I didn’t put it in writing? More than I realize. Those memories fade with each passing day until they’re gone forever.

I’m so glad I recorded some of the funny incidents that happened not with only my own kids, but with my nieces, nephews, and friends’ kids. I get the biggest kick out of reading them nowadays.

Speaking of nowadays, last week JW graduated high school with high honors. He plans to become an engineer. The academic awards he’s garnered are too long to list, but let me say I’m awfully proud of this kid!

I think his parents (and all those who have raised a son) can relate to this quote:

“Like the changing leaves of fall, my little boy is now a man.”
                                                                   ~ Author Unknown

JW’s senior picture

Congratulations, JW, on a job well done. Let the next journey begin!

Do you have a parenting or grandparenting memory

or another story you’d like to share? 

If you’re not a parent, memories from your own childhood count, too! 

Warning: I might feature your story in a future post. 
(Names can be changed to protect the guilty!)

I’d like to thank all those who have shared their stories. 
These posts wouldn’t be the same without your input.

If you don’t want to leave a comment but would rather contact me by email, 
here’s my address: lynkelwoohoo at yahoo dot com.

Dear Readers – I’ve received some nasty spam comments, and at least one was emailed to some of my followers. I apologize if you received that. I had changed my settings to make it easier for those who aren’t on Blogger to leave a comment. 


Unfortunately, I now need to require commenters to type in a code before comments are published. You are still able to leave an anonymous comment, but will need to verify the code. I apologize for any inconvenience. 

Hopefully, this will prevent any more spam bots.

Please know that I treasure your comments and I appreciate the time you take to leave them. 

(A version of these stories originally appeared in the Highland Community News in 1998.)

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11 Responses to Boys and Bugs – Parenting Plights & Delights

  1. Old Kitty says:

    Awwww look at JW now – all grown up and ready to rule the world! Yay!! Although I did go "ew!" at his lick n sticks invention! LOL! Booo to these nasty spammers!! 🙁 Take carex

  2. "Little boys leave smudges on your heart." I love this quote!!What a great story–plopping those worms into the iced tea. Priceless!

  3. Bish Denham says:

    What are little boys made of? Snake and snails and puppy dog tails… What a hoot!I'm not sure I'd want to lick a snail though.

  4. I can safely say I've never licked a snail. Congratulations to JW. Does he read your blog?

  5. Great story, Lynn. They sure do grow up fast, don't they?!

  6. Cute story! Congrats to JW!

  7. Hey appropriate that he plans to be an engineer! I can't wait to see my nephews grow the same time, I wish they wouldn't 🙂 Gorgeous story…

  8. Boys have a thing for putting worms in other people's drinks. Its a form of bonding. And I've never received spam from your site. If I did, I would know its spam and not from you.

  9. Old Kitty – Licking a snail isn't my cup of tea either! Haha!Coleen – I thought of you when I found that quote. You always have the best quotes on your posts. Bish – I thought of that poem, too, when writing this post! I definitely have no desire to lick a snail! Alex – No, JW doesn't read my blog, but I gave his mom a heads up so she could make sure he reads this post!Ruth – Thanks! Yes, they sure do grow up fast. It's mind boggling!Jennifer – Thank you!Alarna – Thanks! I know, I also thought how appropriate that he's going to be an engineer!Stephen – Haha! A form of bonding! Hmm, there might be a story in that idea! I'm glad you haven't received any spam from my site and know it wouldn't be from me. Thanks!

  10. cleemckenzie says:

    What a great wormy story. Those are the kinds of things that make you laugh for a very long time. So sorry about the spam. I'm not sure why the demented think we're interested in reading what's on their minds.

  11. Lynn, that story is so funny. I would have cringed. I had two boys. I really should have had girls. I was kiddish. But no, I had boys. They were pretty good, I have to say. No worms in my ice tea for instance! LOL! What a nice pic of your nephew Lynn! You and your family have every right to be proud of that young man. Oh how they grow up too fast, eh?And I'm sorry that you've had problems with comments. Put em in spam is what I say! Great post Lynn! Thank you!:)

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