Tis the Season For Blog Awards!



In the past few months, lucky duck that I am, I’ve received “The Versatile Blogger” award from three wonderful blogger buds. I would like to thank:
C. Lee McKenzie – TheWriteGame
Debra Kristi’s Blog – Sparks in the Fire
Paige Kellerman – There’s More Where That Came From

In accepting this wonderful award, these are the things we need to do:

1.  Thank the person who shared the award with you by linking
     back to them in your post.
2.  List seven things about yourself.
3.  Pass this award on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them
     know that you included them in your blog post. 

Here’s my seven things:

1.  The first few blog awards I received, being a new blogger, a   
    tech idiot, and an A-1 ding-a-ling, I didn’t realize I was    
    supposed to snag the picture of the award and put it in my    
    post so the recipients I passed the award on to could copy   
    it, add it to their posts, and keep it going.
    So I apologize to all those I passed awards on to. 
2. I didn’t know how to get the picture from the other blog to    
    add to my posts, so maybe ignorance is bliss after all. Well, 
    temporarily. I felt mighty dumb a couple months later when   
    I realized I’d goofed up. I’ve made many stupid mistakes in    
    my blogging journey.
3. Twice our family has moved into the house next-door. The    
    first time was when we were renting and wanted a bigger 
    house when we had our second child. The next time was    
    years later when we owned a three-bedroom home. After 
    we had our fourth child, we were pretty cramped. When the    
    four-bedroom next-door went up for sale, we bought it. To 
    move in, we took a section of the fence down and moved 
    our stuff to the new patio while the sellers finished moving    
    their stuff out the front door! Haha!
4. I can do the moonwalk. Not too good anymore, but I can  
     still do it!
5. My husband and youngest daughter say I remind them of 
    the mom in the TV show Malcolm in the Middle.
6. I like to eat cold pizza and meat right out of the fridge. 
7. My mind draws a blank quite often, and it’s doing it again     
    right now!

Okay, now that I listed all those spiffy facts, here’s the fun part. I’m choosing 15 newly discovered blogs to pass The Versatile Blogger award on to:

Karen McFarland – Expressions From the Heart
Asrai Devin – the Mavin of Mischief
Sheila Seabrook – Two Time Golden Heart Finalist
Rachel Funk Heller – Too Clever For Her Own Good
Colin Falconer – Looking For Mr. Goodstory
Fabio Bueno – Diamonds & Rust
Ginger Calem – I Am Blogger. . . Hear Me Tweet
Louise Bihiel – Journey of a Thousand Miles
Anthony V. Toscano – Spilled Beans
Pat O’Dea Rosen – Reading, Writing & Rambling
Sharon K. Owen’s Blog – Simply Creating
Sharon Esposito’s Blog – Florida Mystery Writers Online Home
Jessica O’Neal – The Sexy Little Nerd
Jennette Marie Powell – Making the Mundane Magical
Prudence MacLeod – Valkyrie Rising

Note:  Being a new blogger can be overwhelming at times, and if accepting this award and passing it on is too much for you right now, don’t be stressin’. You can either hold on to it and share it weeks or months from now or whenever you want, or you can choose to not pass it on. 

No pressure. This is all for fun and recognition!

Are you ready for another round? 

I’m also honored to be the recipient of another award, the Inspiring Blogger Award, given to me by the amazing Haley Whitehall – Light on History, Historical Fiction Author. She also started the #lightonhistory hashtag on Twitter, so if you write historical pieces, check it out. They’re a great group of writers that offer support with historical research or other questions you might have.


Pretty cool-looking award, huh? 
Very inspirational! 
Now I get to pass on the Inspiring Blogger Award to five blogs that inspire me, so here they are:

SJ Driscoll – Come Sit By My Fire
Samantha Warren – Stealing Starships
Susie Lindau – Susie Lindau’s Wild Ride

There are many other wonderful blogs I’ve discovered lately, but I’ve reached the limit. I’m enjoying your posts and I’m loving all the comments. 

So, congratulations to all of you, especially the newbies who have just ventured into the wild, wide blogosphere. 

I’ll leave you with the same questions I asked the last time I passed on blog awards when Gene Lempp offered some insightful comments in my post Blogger’s Insight Re Blog Awards:

How do you feel about blog awards? 
Do you love them? 
Or not?
Photo on 2011-10-14 at 18.20 #2
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24 Responses to Tis the Season For Blog Awards!

  1. This is so awesome! Thank you so much!!

  2. Whoa! I'm honored. Thank you, Lynn.

  3. Lynn, this is a great honor. Thank you so much!

  4. Susie – I think you're awesome, lady. You're welcome.Pat – You're welcome. Thanks for sharing your funny parenting story with me!Fabio – You're welcome. Just wanted to give you an atta-boy for taking that leap of faith into your blogging adventure!

  5. comingalive says:

    Oh thank you so much. 🙂

  6. Congratulations on your blog award. That's a funny picture too…it's a "very surprised" look.

  7. L.G.Smith says:

    Congrats on the awards. They're a nice way of telling other bloggers how much you appreciate them, so they're a good thing (but some are a lot of work because of all the links!)And I moved next door once too. Kind of funny to haul your stuff across the lawn, but it saved us the cost of a truck. 🙂

  8. Old Kitty says:

    Oh wow!! You're really scaring me with these pics! Hooorah! LOL!!Yay for your wonderful awards! And you could do the moonwalk! I am in super AWE! Take carex

  9. Asrai – You're welcome!Michael – Thank you! So glad you stopped by my blog.L.G. – Thanks! You're right, blog awards are great, but all those links were tough for one who's so technologically challenged. That's why it took me so long to pass the awards on! LOL! That's something that you moved next door once, too. We felt the same way about saving money by not having to rent a truck. It made moving as easy as possible, which it's never easy, really!Old Kitty – Boo! LOL! Once you know the mechanics of the moonwalk, it's not that hard, mainly putting your weight all on the leg that's bent and kinda shuffling the other back while you keep that leg straight!

  10. AWesome, Lyn thanks so much…I'm speechless and that's hard to do. Now you'll have to show me how to copy the award and pass it forward. I can't wait to share the joy.

  11. Congrats on the awards. Sounds like moving next door is the way to go!

  12. Anita says:

    Congrats on all your much-deserved awards! I like them, but then I don't do anything with them…I don't follow the rules! But like I said, they're great.

  13. Kudos on the nose hair. *wink* Congrads everyone. Pal -o- mine, I shall check out your friends, cause any buddy of yours is sure to be cool and a bud of mine.You like the houses next door, eh? I'd love to have you next to me. We'd never stop laughing.

  14. Louise – The award left you speechless? I'm tickled that you were so surprised!Lynda – Thanks! Yes, moving next-door is much easier. Still no fun!Anita – Thank you! What I've learned from other bloggers about the awards is that you can change up the rules and so whatever works for you! And some bloggers just don't have the time, and that's okay, too!Robyn – If we lived next door to each other, you'd have me in stitches forever, for sure!

  15. debrakristi says:

    Oh wow! Goodie, goodie! Thank you Lynn! It's so pretty and shiny! 🙂 I will try my best to live up to this award. Okay, so someone else mentioned your picture and I have wondered about the time it takes you to do all the make-up and take all those pictures each time. Do you just happen to have a back stock of them from other events or do you make yourself up for each post? Inquiring minds want to know.

  16. Fabulous! I am so honored to be on your list of most inspiring bloggers. I'm totally blushing. I absolutely adore your random facts — especially those about moving from house to house. Hilarious! And the moonwalk ability — I have never been able to move my feet like that!

  17. Kelly Polark says:

    Love your pictures!! :)Congrats on the awards! When I was little, we moved to a house on the same block. I loved it because I could still play with the same friends.

  18. Congrats on your awards Lynn 🙂 Oh and I love cold pizza too!!

  19. Congrats on the awards!! We have put down roots so strongly where we live that we are convinced that when we move, it can't be more than a block away. But next door! That's the best way to make moving easier!

  20. Debra – You're welcome. I love your blog. So entertaining and inspiring! No, I don't redo that makeup each time I use a picture. Too much work! When I have the makeup on, I try to do as many expressions as I can. I'm trying to build up my own photo and video library!Angela – You're so welcome! The moonwalk isn't as hard as it looks, but the older I get and the stiffer I am, the harder it is. Coleen – Thanks. Glad to know I'm not alone in liking cold pizza! LOL!Peggy – I know what you mean about putting down strong roots and not wanting to move. I hope you don't have to. Moving is such a pain! Kelly – Yes, we wanted the kids to be close to their friends, like you were just moving down the block.We moved so much when I was a kid, and it was hard at times.

  21. JJ says:

    Lynn: There is no luck involved. You write beautifully and deserve the awards. Congrats!

  22. Congratulations on the awards, Lynn!!Loved the story about your taking the fence down to move next door. We did a lot of moving around before we had kids. It's so exhausting.

  23. JJ – Oh, thank you! Thanks for the kind words!Inluvwithwords – Thank you! When we moved next door to the other rental house, all our stuff was on the front lawn while we swapped houses with the bachelor who lived in the bigger house and wanted our smaller house which was less rent. People driving by slowed down to look at all our furniture and things, thinking we were having a yard sale. No kidding, moving is way too exhausting!

  24. YAY!! You deserve all of these awards, Lynn! 🙂

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