Today I’m participating in the Pay It Forward Blogfest sponsored by Alex J. Cavanaugh and Matthew MacNish.
Here are the three blogs that I recommend:
Paige Kellerman at There’s More Where That Came From – Great sense of humor. Her posts always make me laugh. She’s got toddler twins, and she loves to poke fun at herself.
Bish at Random Thoughts – She grew up in the Virgin Islands and has lots of cool posts about her childhood. Some are pretty funny because she was a prankster. And still is at times!
Hailey Whitehall – Shedding Light on History – She writes historical fiction for all ages and is a Civil War era buff. She started the Twitter hashtag #lightonhistory where history lovers can chat and help each other with research or anything related to history.
I better get hoppin’! See ya in the funny papers!
Hey there,Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you back :)Hope you have a great weekend,Ninja Girl
Enjoy your bloghopping!! Take carex
that is a very lovely initiative, congrats on your nomination, you have some very inspirational words here…kisses.
Love this blogfest. I'm finding so many great new blogs to follow.
Hello Lynn Kelly, glad I found you 🙂 Love your picture!
Oh thanks for this reminder Lyn, I'm also participating and totalli forgot.
Lyn! Thanks so much for taking part in our little blogfest. You've got some great ones featured here!
Hopped along and left this song. Nice blog and followed back too.
Hi Lynn, So nice connecting with you today! (Love the pic too at the top of the post) 🙂
I follow Bish's but not the other two, looking forward to meeting some new people today. This could take a while.
Great selections! I went to visit the two I never met. 🙂
Isn't this fun? What a great way to find new blogging friends.
Three new blogs for me 🙂 I followed you by clicking 'follow' at the top. I have problems following lately through the widget. It wouldn't be blogger if there wasn't some glitch. Right?
I know some of your choices. Nice.*heads over to check the other*
Oh! Three I haven't heard of before … thanks for the links!
Wow, thanks Lynn for picking my blog as one of your three!
Another 3 I don't know! Man, where have I been hiding?
Great picks! This blogfest is so fun.
Thanks for the recommendations. I'm really enjoying this blogfest – so many great sites to discover!
I know Bish, but the others are new! Thanks for participating in our blogfest.
Isn't this bloghop great! My absolute favorite of all the ones I've done or seen.
i like your fun blog =)
I checked Paige Kellerman's blog. Hilarious!
I know Bish! Have known her a long time. But the other two are newbies to moi. I'll have to pay them a visit, now won't I? Kiss Logan. I know you will! 😉
Hi Lyn, thanks for the links. These are three newbies to me. I'll stop by and say hello to them!
Lynn: Great site. I am your newest follower.
i love how this thing is getting super big
Paige made me laugh too! I'm following Bish already. will check out the other blogger. Have a great weekend.
New blogs to explore!
Always a day late and a dollar short. :(But hey I found your blog.
Wow, the blogfest was amazing! I can't believe how many people participated. I'm going to have to spend this week checking all the blogs recommended to us because there just wasn't enough time to follow everyone who signed up, plus go to their three choices, too. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and commented and to those who followed me! We'll have to do this again someday!
I'm having a great time on this blog hop. Thanks for stopping by my neighborhood and following. I'm looking forward to my return visits here, I love your blog. 🙂
i missed the pay it forward hop, so coming fashionably late to say hello! nice to meet you lynn 🙂
Great choices! And what a fantastic blogfest.
This is getting so big. D:
Lyn – Thanks again for posting my blog! You're a peach!…:)