Do you think lip-gloss is a good enough adhesive for candy eyeballs to stick to your eyelids?
Watch my vlog of out takes from my first attempt at making a book teaser for my eBook, Trio of Haunting Tales – Spooky Short Stories, and then you’ll be able to answer the question.
Now, I know some of you might be wondering why I didn’t use spirit gum. For one thing, I don’t have any. Even if I did, I wouldn’t risk using it on my eyelids.
Yes, it’s great for clown noses, but eyes are delicate and sensitive. It was risky using lip-gloss. Especially the thick, glittery kind. Not too swift, now that I think about it.
As far as the teaser, I finally finished it. I’ll share it in my next post. It was way more work than I bargained for. Zombie Loo’s makeup barely showed up in this video (due to the lighting, I finally figured out) so I had to redo her part the next day.
Mo’ makeup, turn off the ceiling light, close the blinds – Voila! Much better, though far from perfect.
I still have a lot to learn. Pancake makeup might work better, but I’ve never tried it. Do any of you know if it works well, or is it slimy and greasy like some types of clown makeup? In my experience, clown makeup, even the nongreasy kind, is messy and gross and doesn’t make for a happy clown.
Instead, I used eye shadow all over my face. Why, yes, it’s quite itchy. So is clown makeup. And, yes, it does clog your pores. Takes a lot of scrubbing. For days.
Black eyeliner on my teeth felt waxy and didn’t stay put. My husband said he hoped it didn’t make me sick. Well, I’m still kickin’, so it’s not poisonous, but I do admit it was stupid to put eyeliner on my teeth. I mean, what if it stained them permanently? I’d never want to smile again.

I was able to edit this photo so the makeup showed up. If I knew how to edit the highlights and shadows in the videos, I wouldn’t have had to redo Zombie Loo’s part.
Maybe I should stop being such a risk taker, huh? What about you? What kind of risks do you take? Or are you a cautious person (like I usually am when I’m in my right mind)?
Ha! You're hilarious! 🙂 I'm not really a risk taker. Like, at all. Besides querying agents and things. That's the extent of it. Oh, well. 😉
LOL…you're hilarious.
Ahaha… that's awesome. I love your eyeballs.
You are crazy, you know that, right? :DI don't think I'll be doing any Vlogs anytime soon. That's one risk I won't take…yet.
Chantele – Sending our work out there is taking a risk. We're risking rejection and that's not easy to do, so yay for you!Paige – Thanks. I think you are, too!Gracie – Thanks. Aren't those candy eyeballs wild?L.G. – Yes, I admit I'm crazy, and it's risky exposing that side of myself to the world. Definitely more risky than putting lip gloss on my eyelids or eyeliner on my teeth! And vlogging isn't for everyone. It's easier when you have a costume to hide behind! Haha!
I am in awe! Where were you when we were looking for people to help with our haunted house?
It depends what you're referring to. In some things I'm overly cautious, in others I go ahead full throttle. Writing is one of the latter. 😀
You are brave! I think your best look, though, might be your profile pic. 🙂 Just sayin'.
lol, you look awesome. It's obvious you are giving it 100% and that's worth any risk-taking.
Diane – Thank you! I take that as a compliment!Lisa- Yes, for sure you do go full throttle with your writing, and that's what we have to do, huh?Karen – I appreciate your honesty. The monster look isn't appealing to everyone, that's for sure!Lynda – Thank you. Yes, I'm giving it my all and love doing weird stuff like this!
Well your "out takes" had me snorting and giggling! When I was younger I took some pretty crazy risks. I'm much more cautious now, but in the sense that I try to look at all the pros and cons before making a decision.(And why did I only now realize I wasn't a follower? I am now. Better late than never!)
Bish – Thanks! I'm so glad I made you laugh! I took more risks in my "stupid" teen years, and like you have learned to be more cautious with age. Thanks so much for the follow!
Haha, this is awesome! You go girl! :)Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
You're a hoot! You do that so well, I'm suspecting you've done it before. Thanks for taking the time and trouble to give us a laugh.
Lynn, you are amusing! I'm generally cautious but enjoy amusing people very much. You made me laugh. Thanks!..
Angela – Thanks for the atta-girl! Also, thanks for visiting my site and leaving a comment.Piper – I'm so glad it made you laugh. I never dreamed I'd use the out takes, but some were just too funny so I had to share them!Sihirli – Thank you. If it made you laugh, then all is good! I'm pretty cautious, too, for the most part.
LOL.I'm not much of a risk taker–I like to play it safe, most of the time. 😛 (Except when it comes to challenges. I love tackling things like that.)
Yep, Golden Eagle, I can tell you love a challenge. Yay for you rising higher and higher.
…facing life's hurdles with a prank and a round of giggles…funny stuff.Well done ;)EL
Yikes!! You got my attention! I'm most defiantly a cautious person… most of the time 🙂
Haha! LOVE it – great out-takes! I'm a rather odd combo of being cautious and anxious and throwing it all to the wind!
I have to admire the fact that you get all of this stuff done to enhance your stories. I'm lazy by nature. Can't imagine getting into character like you do so often. Must be fun though!